Announcements & Connection Links 11/25/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 11/25/23

Please join us tomorrow for corporate worship! Keith will be preaching tomorrow. I am looking forward to what God has laid on his heart to preach. As we all sit under the Word of God, may the Holy Spirit challenge and refine us through His word.

If you are able please also come back Sunday evening as we will have the Men's and Women's Ministry. These meetings have been such good times of encouragement, exhortation, and connection with one another.

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Announcements & Connection Links 11/18/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 11/18/23

Please join us tomorrow as we worship our great God. We will finally be finishing up Ecclesiastes. Solomon with his final words to us, exhorts us to live out the meaning and purpose of our lives. Everything that he has been talking about throughout Ecclesiastes leads up to this final conclusion.

If you are able, please also come back Sunday evening as one of our missionaries, Dan Olson will be preaching the Word of God to us. It is always a good time when he visits. I am sure you will be encouraged by the message. 

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Announcements & Connection Links 11/11/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 11/11/23

Tomorrow we will be continuing in our series in Ecclesiastes. There will just be two more messages (including tomorrow) and we will finally be done! Tomorrow, Solomon is preparing us for his ultimate conclusion with one last section on enjoying life and the realities of getting old.

Please also return Sunday evening if you are able. Sunday Evening PR will look at the topic: "Concerning the Jews".  In 1899, Mark Twain wrote a paper by that name when he was asked why the Jews are the most universally hated people on earth -- even by people who have never met a Jew.  His answer is interesting.  I would like to look at the Bible and give an answer to that question especially in view of world events.  PR welcomes feedback (after the message!).

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Announcements & Connection Links 11/4/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 11/4/23

Please join us tomorrow morning as the Coffey team will be with us, ministering to us both with song and the Word. I am sure you will be blessed by the teaching and music. It is not something you want to miss!

Come back Sunday evening as the Coffey team will still be with us. There will be something for the kids and for the rest of us more music and the Word!

In fact, plan to come out Monday to Wednesday evening at 7:00pm as they will be with us all week! There will be something for the children every day ages 4 and up. There will also be a meeting at 6pm for the youth kids! There is a lot going on and really, none of you want to miss it!

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Announcements & Connection Links 10/28/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 10/28/23

Please come and corporately worship with us tomorrow. Pastor Rowley will be preaching and continuing our series in Ecclesiastes. May God prepare our hearts even now, to receive His truth and to be challenged, encouraged, and refined by the preaching of His word.

Tomorrow evening is our Men's and Women's Ministry. Our first meeting last month was a great encouragement and time of sharing and fellowship. You don't want to miss these Men's and Women's ministry meetings! We also have our fellowship time afterward in the gym.

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Announcements & Connection Links 10/21/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 10/21/23

As I think about life and the certainty of death as Ecclesiastes has been talking about, it makes me all the more committed to living a life that is worthy of the gospel, something I know Brother Joe has lived. Let us seize every moment of our lives to live for God. Join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we seek to praise God and submit ourselves to His Word. As we continue in our study of Ecclesiastes, we will see tomorrow various practical godly wisdom that we should employ in our lives to the glory of God.

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Announcements & Connections 10/14/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 10/14/23

Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we sing praises to Him and sit under His word. We will be continuing our series in Ecclesiastes and will be taking a look at Solomon's thoughts on wisdom when we live in a world that looks like it's all guided by chance. How are we supposed to respond? Is godly wisdom even something important to pursue if life is left to chance? Come tomorrow morning and find out!

Please also join us Sunday Evening as the Teens will be conducting the service. There will be a great time of singing and sharing by the teens. It is always an encouraging time to hear how God is working in their lives. Be an encouragement to them and be encouraged by them! 

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Announcements & Connections 10/7/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 10/7/23

Please join us for corporate worship as we sing praises to our great God and continue our series in Ecclesiastes. Last week we talked about how to have joy in life. Solomon pretty much talks about the same topic again in our passage this week, so we will see part 2 of how to have joy in life, the key being Christ-centered contentment.

If you are able, please also come back Sunday evening as Pastor Rowley teaches from a relatively obscure passage in Isaiah. We will learn how to obtain God's blessings and why others miss them.

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Announcements & Connections 9/30/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 9/30/23

Please join us tomorrow as we worship our great God. We will be continuing in Ecclesiastes as Solomon returns his thoughts to the evil in the world where he sees the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer. Come and hear how Solomon resolves this issue with a proper understanding of God and the world He has given us.

Please also join us tomorrow evening as one of our missionaries, Todd Beaman, will be visiting us and sharing about his ministry. It will be great to reconnect with Todd and learn how we can better pray and support him and his family. 

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Announcements & Connections 9/23/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 9/23/23

Tomorrow Pastor Eli will be preaching, and I look forward to hearing what God has placed on his heart. Also, tomorrow we will be taking communion. Prepare your hearts even now as we worship God through the taking of the bread and the cup.

Please also come back Sunday evening as tomorrow will be the first meeting of both the Men's and Women's ministries. If there is any Sunday night that you can make it, I would encourage you all to come out tomorrow. There will be great opportunities to connect with people, share what's on your heart, and be encouraged from Scripture. We will also be having our fellowship night right after the Men's and Women's ministry which will also be a great time of connections and conversations.

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Announcements & Connections 9/16/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 9/16/23

Please join us tomorrow for corporate worship as we lift up our voices to our great God and sit under His word. We will be continuing our series in Ecclesiastes and will be taking a look at some principles on how to deal with sin. Sin is a reality of our lives and without the proper perspective on how to approach our own sins and the sins of others, we could make matters worse. Join us tomorrow to see what Solomon has to say in Ecclesiastes!

If you are able, please also come back Sunday evening. Pastor Rowley will show us that after the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus sits upon a throne of judgment separating sheep from goats. As we observe His words to both the saved and lost we learn a lot about the heart of God. We also observe what He expects of believers who are facing opposition, persecution, government oppression and even death. I believe this passage can help us understand and know God better.

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Announcements & Connections 9/9/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 9/9/23

We will be continuing our series in Ecclesiastes and our passage tomorrow will focus on some practical principles that we should have for our everyday lives. Please come out tomorrow to corporately worship together as a body of believers and to submit ourselves under the Word of God. 

Please also join Sunday evening if you are able as we will have Sam and Heidi share about their trip to Nicaragua and what God is showing them for their lives.

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Announcements & Connections 9/2/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 9/2/23

Come and join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we praise God for who He is and continue learning from His word in Ecclesiastes. We will be taking a look at how Solomon views the limitation of mankind and how that relates to our commitment to seeking wisdom from God.

If you are able, please also come back Sunday Evening as Pastor Rowley will be sharing about his trip to India and will talk about how the Christian life is like the Olympic games. The evening will be a great encouragement and an exhortation for us to keep on going to serve God and His people.

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Announcements & Connections 8/26/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 8/26/23

Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we praise God together and continue our series in Ecclesiastes. Pastor Rowley will be preaching for us. It is such a joy to learn from him and all the wisdom that he has to share from the Bible. Bring your hearts and mind ready to receive what God will have for us tomorrow!Please also join us Sunday Evening as one of our deacons, Jay van Achterberg, will be preaching for us. The Lord has been working in his heart with the gospel of Luke.

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Announcements & Connections 8/19/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 8/19/23

Please join us tomorrow for corporate worship as we seek to give praise to our God and learn from His Word. We will be continuing our study in Ecclesiastes and tomorrow Solomon will give his brief thoughts on government. Although brief, it is very informative and will help us practically to think about the government and make sure we put it in its proper place. 

If you are able, please come back Sunday Evening as I hope to wrap up our study on "Applying Scripture in a Fallen World." I will be providing several examples to help us all see how application works in real-time. If we have time at the end, I'll open things up for some Q&A. 

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Announcements & Connections 8/12/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 8/12/23

Please join us tomorrow as we worship God through communion. Communion is a special time for us to reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ. It is a time for us to reflect on the gospel, its impact on our lives, and an opportunity for us to reinvigorate our desire for Christ. We will also be continuing our study in Ecclesiastes as we take a look at how we are to approach our relationship with God.

Please also come back Sunday evening as we will continue the series, "Applying Scripture in a Fallen World." We finally finished laying the foundation and tomorrow we will look at how a fallen world impacts our application of Scripture. 

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Announcements & Connections 8/5/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connections 8/5/23

Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we lift our voices to God and hear from His Word. We will be continuing our Ecclesiastes series. Solomon once again brings up the topic of wisdom. He will provide more insights and reflections for us to consider as we seek to be wise in Christ by fearing God and obeying all His commandments.

If you are able please join us Sunday Evening as well as I continue the series, Applying Scripture in a Fallen World. We got started laying some ground work last week. I hope to finish laying the ground work and provide some examples to help us understand the three categories of application and how the process works.

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Announcements & Connection Opportunities 7/29/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Opportunities 7/29/23

Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow. We will be continuing our Ecclesiastes series with Pastor Keith preaching! As always I look forward to seeing how God has been working in his heart and how he will encourage and exhort us to live for Christ.

Please come back Sunday evening if you are able as I will begin a new series: "Applying Scripture in a Fallen World." We will be taking a theological look at what application of Scripture actually means and then pragmatically seeing what that looks like in the real world. This will not be a simple "just apply Scripture," but rather a nuanced look at how we can apply Scripture, why so many people differ in their application, and ultimately how we should understand the bridge between the interpretation of Scripture and the application of Scripture.

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Announcements & Connection Opportunities 7/22/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Opportunities 7/22/23

Join us tomorrow for corporate worship, we will be continuing our series in Ecclesiastes and Solomon returns to the topic of work once again. This time, Solomon will challenge us to reflect on our approach to work on a practical level. Tomorrow we will see some principles that we should all have as we think about work.

Please also join us Sunday Evening as Pastor Rowley will have his final message on prophecy, which will focus on possibly the most exciting moment in human history -- the moment when Jesus Christ returns to fight the Battle of Armageddon -- "The Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty."

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Announcements & Connection Links 7/15/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 7/15/23

Please join us for Sunday morning corporate worship. We will continue our study in Ecclesiastes as we talk about Solomon's next topic, oppression. Here the sobering message that God has for us on how we should broadly think about the oppression that happens in our world.

Please come back Sunday evening as we are going to look at an important prophetic passage called Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy which is a key to understanding the coming tribulation period. We will see that Antichrist is a deceiving liar like Satan and cannot be trusted. Jesus mentions this prophecy in Mt 24 when He refers to the "abomination of desolations spoken of by Daniel the prophet". There are many practical life applications we can glean from this key passage in the Bible.

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