Announcements & Connections 9/9/23

Dear TBC Family and Friends,

We had another great weekend of soccer! There was a bit of rain during the younger league and I was definitely wondering why we were not stopping the games and running for cover, but I guess it was really nothing. I see rain and I just want to stay inside!

Rain or not, we will worship God though! We will be continuing our series in Ecclesiastes and our passage tomorrow will focus on some practical principles that we should have for our everyday lives. Please come out tomorrow to corporately worship together as a body of believers and to submit ourselves under the Word of God. 

Please also join Sunday evening if you are able as we will have Sam and Heidi share about their trip to Nicaragua and what God is showing them for their lives. I am sure it will be a great time of encouragement for us to hear about their summer.  

Looking forward to worshipping with you all.

In Christ,

Pastor John



MARRIAGE & FAMILY ABF CLASS - Eli and Madeline's class during the 9:15am hour on Sunday mornings will be starting a new series called Holy Sexuality on September 10th geared especially for parents with tweens/teens, but anyone can join. This Biblically founded and very pertinent series will run through the end of December. See Eli or Madeline for more information.  This class meets in the classroom across from the teen room. 

2.  TEEN AFTERGLOW:  Teens are invited to come for a fun time of food, fellowship, and encouragement from God's Word after the Sunday evening service on September 17th. This is a great opportunity for teens to invite a friend to church. This afterglow will be hosted by the Rodriguez’s. It will run from approximately 7:15 PM to 8:45 PM.

FAMILY LIFE'S WEEKEND TO REMEMBER MARRIAGE GETAWAY - The WTR is coming to Windsor, CT November 3-5. Use the group name LoveAlwaysWins (no spaces) and get 50% off the WTR registration cost when you register between August 28 and September 18. See Eli or Madeline for more information.

NEW LIFE GROUP OPTIONS:  Starting in September, we have 2 new life groups starting up!  We also have several other life group options both in person and on Zoom, and September is a great time to join!  Please see Kevin Tower or reply to this email if you would like to figure out what life group might be best for you.

When:  Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30pm, Where:  Rodriguez's home in Windsor Locks, Topic:  Biblical Principles for Family Living, Childcare Available, This life group runs from September 12th through December.
When:  Friday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm, Where:  Chidozie's home in Windsor, Childcare NOT Available, This life group runs from September 22nd through December.

MEN'S & WOMEN'S MINISTRY FALL LAUNCH: Sunday evening, September 24th, will be the official launch for our men’s and women’s ministry nights.  The men and the women (including teens age 12 and up) will meet separately once a month for the Sunday evening service from 6-7:15pm with a church fellowship following.  Stay tuned for more details!  Our dates for the fall season are 9/24, 10/29, 11/26.  We hope you can plan ahead to be able to join us!  If you have any questions or for more information, please ask Melanie or Nino.

CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM REHEARSALS:  Connie Greenwood will be starting Christmas program music rehearsals for children ages 6-12 on Sunday evenings from 6-7pm beginning September 24th.  All children who want to participate in larger portion of the program should come to most of the 10 Sunday evening rehearsals.  They should also be available for at least one of the dress rehearsals (but ideally both) on December 3rd and 10th during the 9:15am hour and the program at 6pm on December 10th.  If your child cannot attend the Sunday evening rehearsals but does want to participate in one or two Christmas carols with all the kids, please plan to attend both dress rehearsals.  If you have any questions, please see Connie or Hannah Bush.

SAVE THE DATE:  The Harvest Banquet will be November 4th with meetings with the Coffey team following from November 5-8th.


Sunday, 9:15am - 2's - 3's Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - 4's - 5's Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - 1st - 2nd Grade Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am
 - 3rd - 4th Grade Sunday School Class

Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am 5th - 6th Grade Sunday School Class

Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Boys Class (7-9th grade)
Any boys in this age group are invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Girls Class (7-9th grade)

Any girls in this age group are invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - Teen Class (10-12th grade)

Any guys or girls in this age group are invited.  Fresh baked snacks available most weeks.  :)

Sunday, 9:15am - Teachings of Jesus
Join us as we work through Jesus' sermon from Matthew 5-7.  We will discuss the reality of living as followers of Christ in the presence and power of the Kingdom of God within our everyday world.  This class meets in the upstairs Gym Adult Classroom across the balcony. 

Sunday, 9:15am – The Covenants (Zoom By Request)
The Covenant's class is a study of the 7 key promises (covenants) that God makes to mankind and Israel in His restoration of all things back to His original design, including the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Palestinian, Davidic and New Covenants. If curious ask Skip Mission for more details. Anyone is invited to join.  This class meets in the classroom across from the church office.

Sunday, 9:15am - Discipleship Training Class
Kevin Tower is teaching a 12-15 week class for those interested in getting training in how to become an effective disciple maker.  We encourage all regular attenders to attend this class at some point!  This class meets in a classroom down below the auditorium lobby.  Anyone is invited to join!

Sunday, 9:15am Ladies' Bible Study and Prayer
Beth Mission is teaching an Old Testament survey class to women.  They meet in a classroom in the gymnasium.  All ladies are welcome.

Sunday, 9:30am – Marriage Class
We are wrapping up Kirk Cameron's Engage series and will be starting a new series on September 10th, for parents with tweens/teens called Holy Sexuality. This Biblically founded and very pertinent series will run through the end of December. This class is meeting in the classroom across from the teen room upstairs in the gym. Anyone is invited to join!

Sunday, 9:15am The Book of 1st Peter (In Person & Zoom)
This class is studying the book of 1st Peter.  We are seeing that Almighty God has called us out of an idolatrous, demonic world to be His ETERNAL ambassadors of light for Him in time.  We are also seeing our ETERNAL position in Christ, contrary to that of a subjective, demonic position of darkness.  We will pray from 9:15-9:30 and have some brief fellowship before diving into the Bible and discussions right around 9:30am.  Anyone is welcome to join in the Young Adult room in the gym.

Sunday, 9:15am Basic Bible Doctrines Class (Zoom By Request)
Pastor Rowley is teaching a Bible Doctrines class that has some time for Q&A each week.  This class meets in the gym.  Anyone is invited to join.

Sunday, 10:30am 

The livestream can be accessed on Facebook and YouTube and our website 10-15 minutes before the start of the service.  

Sunday, 10:50am - Junior Church

Junior Church is for children ages 2-11 and begins after the morning worship time in the auditorium.

Sunday, 5:00pm - Prayer Time for Church and Community Needs (Adult Classroom in Gym & on Zoom)

Anyone can join and pray with us!


The livestream can be accessed using the livestream button at the top of our website.  Childcare and a Children's program (ages 2-11) are provided. 

Tuesday, 7:00pm
 - Joseph & Rebecca Pondugula Life Group (Zoom Only)

This life group is open to anyone via Zoom.

Wednesday, 7:00pm - Teen Group 

Any teens are invited to join in the teen room at church.  Pastor Rodriguez leads the teen group.

Wednesday, 7:00pm - Rudy Nelson Life Group

This life group is studying the book of 2 Peter.  Anyone is invited to join at church.

Wednesday, 7:00pm Pastor & Deanna Rowley Life Group (Zoom Only)

Anyone is invited to join via Zoom.

Wednesday, 7:00pm - Kevin Tower Life Group 

This life group is studying the life of Christ through the Gospels.  Anyone is invited to join in person at church.

If you would like to join a Life Group or Adult Bible Fellowship group, please just join in via the links above or text or call Kevin Tower at 860-916-5062.

If you have a prayer request or need help in some way, please contact the any of our staff and/or the Care Team at

Looking Unto Jesus,

TBC Staff


Announcements & Connections 9/16/23


Announcements & Connections 9/2/23