Announcements & Connection Links 2/18/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 2/18/23

Please join us in corporate worship tomorrow as we continue our study in Hebrews. We will see tomorrow how the author encourages us to run the race of life and gives us some practical ways to do so. Life is hard and often a struggle, but we as children of God can endure!

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Announcements & Connection Links 2/11/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 2/11/23

Join us tomorrow for corporate worship as we continue our study in Hebrews. We will be looking at the Hall of Faith tomorrow to help us answer the question, "What does living by faith look like?" I hope that God's Word will be an encouragement and challenge to us all as we seek to endure in this life for God's glory and honor.

If you are able, please join us Sunday evening as Pastor Rowley continues his series. Last week we saw how marriage illustrates the right relationship between Christ and the church.  This week we will see how Christ's relationship to the church teaches how to have a great marriage.

After the Sunday evening service we will have an informal fellowship time as we catch whatever is remaining of the super bowl. Should be a great time!

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Announcements & Connection Links 2/4/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 2/4/23

Please join us as we continue our series in Hebrews. Tomorrow we see the encouragement that the author has for the Jewish Christians despite their sluggishness in the faith. It will be a very relevant message for us today as we all need encouragement through life difficulties.

Please also come back Sunday evening as Pastor Rowley continues his series. Jesus says that His relationship with the church is much like that of a husband and wife in Ep 5:21-33. On Sunday evening we will study the Church through the lens of marriage. Pastor Rowley believes this will show another reason why the angels see the amazing wisdom of God as He works through us in this age. Please come back with your thinking caps on.

Looking forward to worshipping with you all as we meet together to stir one another up to love and good works!

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Announcements & Connection Links 1/28/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 1/28/23

Tomorrow we will continue our study in Hebrews and we approach another difficult warning passage. I hope to answer some of the difficulties, but more importantly, I pray that we will see the warning passage as an exhortation for us to live faithful lives to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Please come out tomorrow as we corporately worship together through song and the hearing of God's Word. 

Please if you are able come back to Sunday Evening service where Pastor Rowley will continue his series on the victorious Christian life. It is important for us all to see that in God's great plan for the world and our salvation, He wants us to live a life that is victorious and glorifying to Him. Come and join the fun! 

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Announcements & Connection Links 1/15/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 1/15/23

Tomorrow we will continue our study in Hebrews 10. What we will find tomorrow is that the author of Hebrews likes to repeat the same truths he has already stated, but now states a bit differently. The author reminds us Jesus is our once and for all sacrifice that provides forgiveness of sins.

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Announcements & Connection Links 1/8/23
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 1/8/23

Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we get back into Hebrews. Pastor Keith will be bringing us the Word of God. I am excited to see what God has placed on his heart and the burdens he wishes to share through Hebrews. I am sure all of us will be challenged and encouraged by his message.

If you are able please also come back Sunday evening as Pastor Rowley starts a new series. He will be preaching on "Remembering -- to Move Forward."  Key truths to help us accomplish God's purpose this year.  Pastor Rowley listened to an exciting account of how Israel fought and won the Six Day War in 1967.  This war will provide some illustrations of the principles we will observe.

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Announcements & Connection Links 12/31/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 12/31/22

Tomorrow, as we go into the New Year, I want to talk about the critical topic of trusting God in everything and with everything. I believe this is a topic that will help all of us orient our minds and hearts to God at the beginning of 2023 and hopefully into the rest of the year.

If you are able, please also come back Sunday Evening as I will guide everyone through some reflection questions as we intentionally look back at 2022 and look forward to 2023. During the reflection, there will also be some time for personal prayer as we lift up our hearts to God. 

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Announcements & Connection Links 12/24/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 12/24/22

Merry Christmas! I hope and trust that you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve. I'm anticipating a great time at my place seeing everyone, sharing laughs, and having a good time with fellowship.

I know tomorrow is Christmas day and can be a busy day for some of you as you host family at your place and enjoy each other's company over a meal. With that said, I encourage you all to spend the morning in corporate worship with the church. Not because "we have to." But instead because the best thing we can do above time with family and the fellowship we will have is to worship our great Savior and praise Him for humbling himself down to earth, being born of a virgin, with the purpose of fulfilling the Father's plan that we may all be saved.

As a reminder, there will be no ABF hour and no Sunday Evening service tomorrow. We will have our worship service at 10:30am.

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Announcements & Connection Links 12/17/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 12/17/22

Please come and join us for worship tomorrow as we talk about the final attribute, peace. Peace is perhaps the one attribute that many in the world sort of get right in regard to the idea of peace. However, the world misses the most critical piece to peace, which is peace with God. From our peace with God flows many other kinds of peace we will have in this life. Join us tomorrow and let's explore the biblical idea of peace with God and the other kinds of peace we get because of our peace with God.

If you are able please come back Sunday evening and join us for our Christmas meditation program. This will be a great time for quieting our hearts before God in song and meditation, as we think and reflect on Jesus, our Immanuel, our God who is with us. Looking forward to seeing and worshipping with you all.

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Announcements & Connection Links 12/10/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 12/10/22

Tomorrow we will take a look at a Biblical understanding of joy. Often joy is associated with feelings of happiness, but is joy more than simply happiness? Is there such a thing as having joy with eternal value? Come out tomorrow to corporately worship with each other and hear about what the Bible has to say about joy.

Please also come back tomorrow evening as we get to enjoy the Children's Christmas program. The kids and everyone involved have been putting in a lot of work and I am sure all will be blessed by it.

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Announcements & Connection Links 12/4/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 12/4/22

Please join us tomorrow as we start a Christmas series that will end on Christmas Sunday. Three attributes that are seen at a higher volume during Christmas are love, joy, and peace. These three attributes are connected with the birth of Christ and rightly so! We will take each attribute and look at it from a biblical perspective. We will look at the birth of Christ with fresh eyes and a heart of worship. Come join us as we talk about love first!

If you are able, please come back Sunday evening as I finish up the series, "What does it mean to love God?" Specifically, we will talk about what loving God looks like and how we can grow in it.

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Announcements & Connection Links 11/26/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 11/26/22

Pastor Rowley will be preaching for us tomorrow. His message will lay the foundation for understanding an essential "mystery" revealed by Paul in the New Testament. This mystery holds the key to understanding God's prophetic plan for the ages and also the key to all victorious fruitful living that will bring eternal rewards. If you are able please come back for Sunday Evening service as I continue the series on "What does it mean to love God?"

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Announcements and Connection Links 11/19/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements and Connection Links 11/19/22

Tomorrow we will have Dan Olson, one of our missionaries in town, and he will be bringing us the word of God tomorrow morning. I am sure your hearts will be blessed by what God has placed on his heart.

Please also take the opportunity tomorrow to encourage him and his family as well as pray for them. If you are able please come back Sunday evening. I will be starting a short series on, "What does it mean to love God?" We are all told by both Scripture and preachers to love God. Loving God is to be a daily act that we constantly do, but what does that really mean? What does it look like to love God on a daily basis?

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Announcements & Connection Links 11/13/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 11/13/22

I hope everyone has enjoyed the Bible conference so far. Dr. McGinniss has been able to give some profound truth regarding pain and suffering and how we as Christians should understand it properly. If you have not been able to catch the messages please look for them online. It’s worth the watch!

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Announcements & Connection Links 11/5/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 11/5/22

Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we continue our study in Hebrews. Tomorrow our passage gets into specifics about what Jesus' sacrifice has accomplished with regard to our access to the Father. It is such a wonderful truth that should encourage our hearts to know we do have free access to the Father and our eternal redemption leads us to serve our living God!

Tomorrow night, Pastor Rowley will be talking about the Perfect (Mature) Christian and how the goal is that he or she would be capable of being placed in any situation with the resources we have available as Christians and would handle them in a way that is appropriate and brings God glory. We will see good applications for child training and regular Christian living.

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Announcements & Connection Links 10/28/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 10/28/22

Tomorrow we are continuing our study in Hebrews. We are finally in Chapter 8, which is the main point of what all of Chapter 7 is trying to say. Essentially, the author tells us the New Covenant is better than the Old Covenant. It is better because Jesus is better. This truth will help us realize some principles and practical applications with how we see our own lives when we compare what the world has to offer and what Jesus has to offer.

Please come back Sunday evening. Pr. Rowley is beginning a series called "God's Portrait of the Perfect Man". God has a goal for each of us to move toward in this life. A good verse to memorize along with this series is Ephesians 4:13 and/or Matthew 5:48. Paul's goal in ministry was to "present every man perfect [mature, complete] in Christ. We should have this same desire for ourselves, our families, and our disciples.

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Announcements & Connection Links 10/22/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 10/22/22

Dear TBC Family and Friends,

Tomorrow we will continue our study in Hebrews and further our understanding of Jesus as a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. As we look more closely at Jesus as high priest, I trust the hope found in Christ will encourage all of us to live all the days of our lives for him.

Sunday evening Randy Prahl, the first assistant pastor of TBC and the person who was in charge of building our first buildings, will be with us. He and Pastor Rowley are planning to share a few clear and exciting ways they saw God's hand in founding of the church and in the building of our the first building.

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Announcements & Connection Links 10/16/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 10/16/22

Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow as we continue our study in Hebrews. We are finally at chapter 7 where we can chew on the solid food on the teaching of Melchizedek. If you have ever wondered about Melchizedek and how he fits in with Jesus, make sure to join us tomorrow to learn about it and be edified!

If you are able, please also come back and join us on Sunday Evening. Pastor Rowley will be continuing his Jehosaphat series as he teaches us the wisdom that we can learn from the life of Jehosaphat. There has already been a lot of great application for us to consider applying in our lives. I am sure he will add to that great list tomorrow.

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Announcements & Connection Links 10/8/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 10/8/22

I hope that you all will be able to make it out to corporate worship tomorrow. We will be continuing our study in Hebrews, and we will see from Scripture our life's best hope. In particular, we will see the hope that we all have in the promises of God because God is a God who cannot lie. I hope and pray that the message will be an encouragement to you all.

Please, if you are able, return Sunday evening to continue to learn from the life of Jehosaphat. Pastor Rowley has been able to show us great truths and practical applications from the life of Jehosaphat. I know for myself, it is always interesting and profound how Pastor Rowley expounds the OT Scripture. Looking forward to worshipping with you all tomorrow.

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