Announcements & Connection Links 10/1/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 10/1/22

Dear TBC Family and Friends,

Tomorrow we will be taking a short break from Hebrews to discuss the topic of deacon nominations. It's that time of year when we vote on new deacons and have some of our current deacons rotate off. I want to take the time tomorrow to teach on what the Bible says about deacons and also to talk about our process this year as there will be slight differences from the years past. Please come out, worship with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and hear about our deacon nomination and voting process.

Sunday evening Pastor Rowley will be continuing his Jehoshaphat series. Jehoshaphat was a great king but had one primary flaw that ruined his family and hurt the nation for many years after he almost died and nearly got himself killed. God sent a prophet to teach and warn him with a searching question. The same question can help us avoid many heartaches for us, our families, our church and even our nation. Come Sunday evening to learn with Jehoshaphat. Memorize 2 Chronicles 19:2 to get the most out of the message. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

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Announcements & Connection Links 9/17/22
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Connection Links 9/17/22

Tomorrow we will be walking through one of the most debated passages in Hebrews. It will get quite theological, but there is some good application in the midst of the solid food we will be feasting on tomorrow.

Please also come back Sunday evening as Pastor Rowley continues his study on Jehosaphat. He will be looking Jehoshaphat's friendship with Ahab, one of the worst people in the Bible. Lessons include the danger of wrong friends, manipulative people, politically correct religion and God's kind grace.

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Announcements & Links 9/10
Linda Ploszaj Linda Ploszaj

Announcements & Links 9/10

Tomorrow we will be continuing our study in Hebrews. We are going to talk about the important topic of spiritual maturity. The author of Hebrews has some clear words about spiritual immaturity that are meant to exhort us all to pursue spiritual maturity.

Sunday evening PR will begin looking at Jehoshaphat, one of the best kings in Judah, but one whose failure to understand the dangers of wrong associations destroyed his family. We will touch on the dangers of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

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