Truth Soccer League 2024
to Oct 19

Truth Soccer League 2024

Truth Soccer League is open to children ages 7-12. The cost is $35 per child, which includes all league fees and a numbered team jersey each child gets to keep!

Come watch your kids practice every Thursday evening at 6pm.

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to Jul 12


Who: Ages 4 - 12 years old

What: Come for a time of fun, snack, games, Bible lessons, skits, music, and crafts! All for FREE!

When: Check in is between 6:15-6:30pm. Dismissal is at 8:30pm. Parents are encouraged to come to the closing assembly at 8:05pm

Where: TBC in South Windsor, CT

Parents and teens are invited to stay for an adult Bible study that happens in between the opening and closing assemblies each night. Please indicate if you plan to stay for the Bible study as you register.

For questions or for more information, please email Hannah Bush at

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Men's & Women's Ministry Fall Launch

Women’s Ministry

Join us this year as we intentionally come into community with each other to study the theme of flourishing found in 1 Thessalonians.

Men’s Ministry

Biblical Manhood: Living a Fruit Filled Life.

Sunday, September 24, will be the official launch for our men’s and women’s ministry nights. The men and women (including teens ages 12 and up) will meet separately once a month for the Sunday evening service from 6pm to 7:15pm, followed by a church fellowship. Our dates for the fall season are 9/24, 10,29, 11/26. We hope you can plan ahead to be able to join us! If you have any questions or for more information, please ask Melanie or Nino.

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Truth Soccer League
to Oct 1

Truth Soccer League

Truth Soccer League is open to children ages 7-12. The cost is $30 per child, which includes all league fees and a numbered team jersey each child gets to keep!

Come watch your kids practice every Thursday evening at 6pm.

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Harvest Banquet

Harvest Banquet

Our Harvest Banquet is a special time of delicious food and a meaningful devotion and is open to any adults or teens. Please register online for your ticket ($10).

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Fall Bible Conference
to Nov 13

Fall Bible Conference

Our Fall Bible Conference is focused on discussing the topic of Disappointment with God. Dr. Mark McGinniss has suffered much in his lifetime and will share what he has learned about God in his suffering. Childcare is provided for ages 0-10!

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In lieu of an October Afterglow, we are inviting teens to come hang out at the Rodriguez's house on Saturday, October 29th from 4-9:00pm for a time of food, fellowship, games, and more! Parents will need to drop off/pick up teens at the Rodriguez's home in Windsor Locks, CT. Please RSVP to Madeline Eli if your teen(s) can attend.

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Teen Parents' Meeting

Teen Parents' Meeting

Please make note in your calendars to join us for a Teen Parents' Meeting (key word is parents) on Sunday, September 11th, right after the morning service in the Fellowship Hall downstairs. We will be providing pizza and salad and will be discussing upcoming activities and ideas for the upcoming months. This will be a great opportunity for parents to connect with each other and with teen leaders!

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Ladies' Game Night

Ladies' Game Night

All ladies are invited to a game night, Saturday, September 10th at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. The cost will be around $10 for a salad dinner provided. Please bring a dessert to share if you are able. Please see Alisha Albinson or reply to this email if you have any questions.

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Women's Fall Bible Study

Women's Fall Bible Study

All ladies are invited to a Bible study on the book of Philippians every other Thursday during the soccer season at 6:30pm beginning September 1st. The format is a short video followed by a time of discussion and prayer. Please see Alisha Albinson or reply to this email if you have any questions or would like to join.

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Truth Soccer Leagues
to Sep 30

Truth Soccer Leagues

Truth Soccer League is open to children ages 7-12. The cost is $30 per child, which includes all league fees and a numbered team jersey each child gets to keep!

Come watch your kids practice every Thursday evening at 6pm.

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Children's Missions Project
to Aug 28

Children's Missions Project

Our TBC kids have an opportunity to support the sharing of the gospel with kids in Ethiopia by donating supplies for the Hoovers' VBS program! The ministry can use crayons, colored art paper, ink pens, coloring books, children's scissors, pencils, glue, and stickers. Please put them in the tote labeled Ethiopia VBS in the fellowship hall by August 28th. Let's also be praying with our children that God uses this VBS to reach the children in Ethiopia.

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Church Picnic

Church Picnic

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