Announcements & Connections Links 1/18/25

Dear TBC Family and Friends,

Thank you again for helping and praying for the basketball league.  Many children have been divided into teams and the first games began yesterday.  On Thursday evenings, each team has a leader who takes some time to share the Bible with the players after their practice.  God is working.

On Sunday morning, we began looking at the wheel illustration of the Basics of the Christian Life.  The center is Christ.  The Rim is Obedience.  We will look at the first of the spokes tomorrow morning.  Please pray that God will use these messages to help newer Christians grow and older Christians to become more established and to know how to disciple younger believers.

On Sunday evening we have the opportunity to have Dan Wolf preaching for us.  He always does a great job and is interesting and challenging.  Also Rob Hannover will give us a missions update so we can pray more effectively for our missionaries.

Keep on going for Christ




1.  PARENTS AND TEENS MOVIE NIGHT – 7:00 PM, Friday, January 24In lieu of a January Teen Afterglow, we are excited to host a movie night for teens AND parents in the TBC auditorium! Join us to watch “The Forge.” This is a movie about a teen who “after a year out of high school with no plans for his future, is challenged by his single mom and a successful businessman to start charting a better course for his life. Through the prayers of his mother and biblical discipleship from his new mentor, he begins discovering God's purpose for his life is so much more than he could hope for or imagine.” You may also want to prayerfully consider how you can use this as a witnessing opportunity and invite someone along. We are asking that each family bring drinks and snacks to share with other families. The movie will end around 9:15 PM.

2.  MEN'S & WOMEN'S MINISTRY & FELLOWSHIP:  The men and the women (including teens age 12 and up) will meet separately for a time of encouragement and community Sunday evening, January 26th, at 6pm. We will have a fellowship meal following the meetings around 7:15pm. We are asking each family to bring "Something New" as a large main dish, salad, or dessert... enough to feed your family and a few more.  

3.  RAISED IN GLORY:  All girls ages 5-18 are invited to join us for the 2025 winter/spring semester of Raised in Glory discipleship and worship dance. Raised in Glory is a group of young ladies devoted to knowing and loving God and His Word, helping each other grow closer to Him, and using worship dance to praise Him and bring Him glory! We will be meeting on Fridays at TBC 4:30-5:30pm, starting on February 7th.  The cost is $15/girl. Signups are available on the TBC website. If you have any questions, please contact Lydia van Achterberg.  ALSO, this semester we are trying something new... any women 19 and older are invited to join us from 4:30-5:30pm to have their own beginner class.  (They should sign up as well using the link and will still need to pay the $15. Only the 5-18 year old girls will be performing at the end of the semester.)

4.  BAPTISM:   We will be having a baptism on Sunday, February 2nd after the morning service.  If you are interested in being baptized, please see one of the pastors. 

5.  SEEKING GOD'S WILL IN UNITY:  Please continue to be in prayer for our church leadership as they seek God on how we should move forward as a church.  Pray they will clearly recognize the next steps on the path that God is wanting them to take in the coming days.  Pray that wise steps are taken that will bring God the glory, as we walk together in unity, love and peace.

6.  TEEN BASKETBALL LEAGUE:  Some of the teens are organizing an informal teen basketball league that will play after the regular basketball games on Saturday mornings/early afternoons.  If you would like to participate, please sign up here.  You can ask Blaine Mosby for more information.


     - March 14 - Bridal Shower for Anneliese Person at 6pm
     - April 12 - All Church Cleanup Day
     - May 31 - Daniel Harper and Anneliese Person Wedding
     - July 7-11 - VBS
     - July 14-19 - Teen camp at The Wilds of New England (Aaron Coffey speaking)


Sunday, 9:15am - 2's - 5's Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - 1st - 2nd Grade Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am
 - 3rd - 4th Grade Sunday School Class

Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am 5th - 6th Grade Sunday School Class

Anyone in this age group is invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Boys Class (7-9th grade)
Any boys in this age group are invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Girls Class (7-9th grade)

Any girls in this age group are invited.

Sunday, 9:15am - Teen Class (10-12th grade)

Any guys or girls in this age group are invited.  Fresh baked snacks available most weeks.  :)

Sunday, 9:15am Ladies' Bible Study and Prayer
Join us as we dive into the book of James, Christianity 101, if you will! Full of practical, straight to the point instruction, we will learn how to better be “doers of the Word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22), by uncompromisingly putting our faith into action! They meet in a classroom in the gymnasium.  All ladies are welcome.

Sunday, 9:15am – Resolving Everyday Conflict
Eli & Madeline, Keith and Wendy, and Jesse and Kim are heading up this series.  Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But how can we restore harmony to our relationships? Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson explore the nature of conflict and offer biblical steps to heal disputes. Discover how to see the situation clearly, overcome evil with good, be reconciled to your "enemy," and more.  This class meets upstairs in the gym, and anyone is invited!

Sunday, 9:15am The Book of 1st Peter (In Person & Zoom)
This class is studying the book of 1st Peter.  We are seeing that Almighty God has called us out of an idolatrous, demonic world to be His ETERNAL ambassadors of light for Him in time.  We are also seeing our ETERNAL position in Christ, contrary to that of a subjective, demonic position of darkness.  We will pray from 9:15-9:30 and have some brief fellowship before diving into the Bible and discussions right around 9:30am.  Anyone is welcome to join in the Young Adult room in the gym.

Sunday, 9:15am Membership Class (Zoom By Request)
Pastor Rowley is teaching a rotating class focusing on what we believe and why we believe it.  This class has time for Q&A each week and meets in the gym.  Anyone is invited to join at any time.

Sunday, 10:30am 

The livestream can be accessed on Facebook and YouTube and our website 10-15 minutes before the start of the service.  

Sunday, 10:50am - Junior Church

Junior Church is for children ages 2-9 and begins after the morning worship time in the auditorium.


Sunday, 5:00pm - Prayer Time for Church and Community Needs (Adult Classroom in Gym & on Zoom)

Anyone can join and pray with us!



The livestream can be accessed using the livestream button at the top of our website.  Childcare and a Children's program (ages 2-9) are provided. 

Tuesday, 7:00pm
 - Joseph & Rebecca Pondugula Life Group (Zoom Only)

This life group is studying the Resolving Everyday Conflict series and is open to anyone via Zoom.  Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But how can we restore harmony to our relationships? Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson explore the nature of conflict and offer biblical steps to heal disputes. Discover how to see the situation clearly, overcome evil with good, be reconciled to your "enemy," and more.

Wednesday, 9:30am and 7:00pm - Women's Bible Study 

All women are invited to join us as we study 12 Extraordinary Women using the book by John MacArthur.  Diane LaCasse teaches this class in a classroom off the gymnasium.  Please RSVP to Diane or reply to this email if you are interested in joining this study.

Wednesday, 7:00pm
 - Teen Group 

Any teens are invited to join in the teen room at church.  Pastor Rodriguez leads the teen group.

Wednesday, 7:00pm - Chuck Jutras Life Group
Resolving Everyday Conflict series:  Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But how can we restore harmony to our relationships? Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson explore the nature of conflict and offer biblical steps to heal disputes. Discover how to see the situation clearly, overcome evil with good, be reconciled to your "enemy," and more.  This group is not using the videos but is still going through the book.  Anyone is welcome to join at TBC.

Wednesday, 7:00pm - Rudy Nelson Life Group

Resolving Everyday Conflict series:  Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But how can we restore harmony to our relationships? Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson explore the nature of conflict and offer biblical steps to heal disputes. Discover how to see the situation clearly, overcome evil with good, be reconciled to your "enemy," and more.  Anyone is welcome to join in the Junior Church classroom at TBC.

Wednesday, 7:00pm - Ron Radziewicz Life Group

We share snacks, fellowship, encouragement, prayer, and are studying the Resolving Everyday Conflict series as well.
Please accept an invitation to our TBC Life Group meeting each Wednesday, at 7:00PM, at the home of one of our members.

Wednesday, 7:00pm 
Pastor & Deanna Rowley Life Group (Zoom Only)

Resolving Everyday Conflict series:  Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But how can we restore harmony to our relationships? Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson explore the nature of conflict and offer biblical steps to heal disputes. Discover how to see the situation clearly, overcome evil with good, be reconciled to your "enemy," and more.  Anyone is invited to join via Zoom.


Wednesday, 7:00pm - Kevin Tower Life Group 

Resolving Everyday Conflict series:  Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But how can we restore harmony to our relationships? Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson explore the nature of conflict and offer biblical steps to heal disputes. Discover how to see the situation clearly, overcome evil with good, be reconciled to your "enemy," and more.  Anyone is invited to join in person at church.

If you would like to join a Life Group or Adult Bible Fellowship group, please text or call Kevin Tower at 860-916-5062.

If you have a prayer request or need help in some way, please contact the any of our staff and/or the Care Team at

Looking Unto Jesus,

TBC Staff


Announcements & Connection Links 1/25/25


Announcements & Connection Links 1/11/25